Colleen is an author of contemporary new adult & women’s romance. She writes stories with strong characters who are doing their best & finding love along the way.

Fighting Prose Interview with C. J. Whitcomb

Fighting Prose Interview with C. J. Whitcomb

Welcome to my in-depth writers series Fighting Prose. Where I talk to authors in the industry on what their process is like and what it takes for them to keep on creating, through all the odds.


C.J. Whitcomb

is my interview this week!

How long have you been writing?

Started when I was 14 but it wasn't until February 2019 that I decided to try writing books

Of your books, which is your favorite?

Where is Jaime? A short mystery novella

What's your favorite genre to read? Write?

Mystery or horror

How do you get in the mood to write?

I listen to music. Any genre of music

How do your characters come together?

All of my main characters are based on a piece of me or someone I know

How do you get your ideas?

Sometimes the ideas just come up when I listen to music and a scene pops into my head

Who do you admire in the writing world?

Alyanna Poe. She's the author of Eaten and incredibly talented

If you're not busy writing, what are you busy doing?

Working at my dishwashing job

Have you always been creative?

Yes, always been creative and yes, its always been writing but I started with songs but none of them were good and I can't sing

Have you ever had writers block? If so, how did you get out of it?

I usually just sit in a quiet room and start typing. Most the time it works to break up the writers block

When you sit down to write, is it easy or hard? If it's hard, what makes you keep showing up?

It's very hard sometimes but I have some amazing friends in the writing community who are always there to offer words of encouragement

For a writer starting out what advice would you give them?

Write every single day no matter what you write even if you think it sucks. Just keep writing and you will never stop learning and never stop improving your skill

What is your dream writing location?

I hadn't thought about it much but maybe on a boat on the calm ocean with no one around

If you could bring one of your characters to life who would it be? Why?

I would say Abigail, she's the strongest of my characters and isn't afraid to speak her mind

What do you think makes a good story?

Character depth

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

I always wanted to write

Links to C.J.


Thank you for letting me interview you and Good Luck with everything C.J.!
— Colleen

If you happen to know an author that would be great for my Fighting Prose series be sure to send them my way!

Thanks for reading!



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