Colleen is an author of contemporary new adult & women’s romance. She writes stories with strong characters who are doing their best & finding love along the way.

Fighting Prose Interview with K. Reshay!

Fighting Prose Interview with K. Reshay!

Welcome to my in-depth writers series Fighting Prose. Where I talk to authors in the industry on what their process is like and what it takes for them to keep on creating, through all the odds.

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K. Reshay

is my interview this week!

How long have you been writing?

I've been writing since I was eight years old.

If you’ve written several books, which is your favorite?

That is definitely a tough question. I would have to say my first book, "Appearances." It gave me the motivation I needed to continue to write.

What's your favorite genre to read? Write?

I love drama filled suspense fiction. I like to write fiction.

How do you get in the mood to write?

I like to light a candle and play instrumental jazz music. I'll even add a glass of wine for steamy scenes.

How do your characters come together?

I like to come up with a physical description and some slight character traits first. Once I begin to write, the character takes on a life of its own.

How do you get your ideas?

I get inspired by life. A simple phrase can turn into a novel. As an author, I'm very observant.

Who do you admire in the writing world?

I admire the ability to turn simple thoughts into entire novels. I also love feedback from readers.

If you're not busy writing, what are you busy doing?

When I'm not writing, I'm busy working and spending time with my family.

Have you always been creative?

As far as I can remember, I've always enjoyed the arts. I took creative writing and drama classes when I was in school. I've always been an avid reader, as well.

Have you ever had writers block? If so, how did you get out of it?

I've experienced writer's block from time to time. To get out of it, I simply step away from my computer for a while. This allows my mind to decompress and creativity to come back inside.

When you sit down to write, is it easy or hard? If it's hard, what makes you keep showing up?

When I sit down to write, it's easy. It's something that I definitely enjoy and wish I could do full-time.

For a writer starting out what advice would you give them?

I would encourage them to find a great editor and have a budget in mind. Being a self-published author can be very expensive. I'd also wish them good luck. It is definitely a journey of self discovery.

What is your dream writing location?

My dream writing location would be on the beach with a drink and music close by.

In reference to your books, what question do you get asked the most?

I always get asked when the next book is coming out.

If you could bring one of your characters to life who would it be? Why?

One of my favorite characters is San from my latest novel, "All Things Work Out Well." She is a hair stylist working a dead end job with big dreams. She's incredibly driven and passionate.

What do you think makes a good story?

What makes a good story is an interesting plot. Readers get bored with the same old thing all of the time. It's important to be creative and really draw the readers to want to continue the story.

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

As a child, I wanted to be a news anchor. I thought it was really cool to be on the t.v. relaying the events of the day.

Links to K. R.

Website I Instagram

Thank you for letting me interview you and Good Luck with everything K!
— Colleen

If you happen to know an author that would be great for my Fighting Prose series be sure to send them my way!

Thanks for reading!



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