Fighting Prose Interview with Talia Hibbert!
Welcome to my in-depth writers series Fighting Prose. Where I talk to authors in the industry on what their process is like and what it takes for them to keep on creating, through all the odds.
Talia Hibbert
is my interview this week!
How long have you been writing?
I feel I've been writing all my life, but I started publishing 3 years ago.
If you've written several books, which is your favorite?
This is such a difficult question! I have a special place in my heart for Sweet on the Greek.
What's your favorite genre to read? Write?
Romance is the answer to both questions! In particular, I'm a big fan of reading fantasy and speculative romance. I haven't had much look writing it - but I'm still working on that.
How do you get in the mood to write?
For me, writing starts with daydreaming. Which usually happens when I'm falling asleep, when I'm trying not to wake up, or when I'm taking a walk.
How do your characters come together?
Messily! I have to imagine them in all sorts of situations before I get a grip on who they really are.
How do you get your ideas?
I wish I knew. I feel like all the things I do and consume scatter seeds inside my head, but which ones germinate and when is completely random.
Who do you admire in the writing world?
God, this list could be endless. Since I started publishing, I have been enveloped by the warmth of the indie romance world - especially the Black authors within it - and I've been lucky enough to meet countless people I admire.
If you're not busy writing, what are you busy doing?
Reading! Or watching whichever TV show I'm currently obsessed with.
Have you always been creative?
I have always been a writer. Reading stories, and then making up my own versions, was my earliest creative expression. I'm not really good at anything else, LOL!
Have you ever had writer’s block? If so, how did you get out of it?
For me, when I can't write, it's usually because I'm exhausted as a human being. If I give myself some time to rest and breathe and live a full, balanced life, my concentration and inspiration come back.
When you sit down to write, is it easy or hard? If it's hard, what makes you keep showing up?
It's usually easy. When a deadline's tight or the world is messy or I'm struggling with something, that's when it's hard. My usual solution is to take a break, but sometimes that's not an option. So in those situations, I remind myself that this is my life, this is what I love, and I'm fully capable of getting it done.
For a writer starting out what advice would you give them?
Figure out who you are as an artist. Read widely, thoughtfully, and enthusiastically. Give yourself space to experiment and grow.
What is your dream writing location?
I write in a quiet little room, and that's perfect for me! Four walls and a laptop is my ideal set-up.
In reference to your books, what question do you get asked the most?
People often ask how I come up with my characters. I think the most important thing is empathy; you can only create fleshed-out characters if you don't expect them to be perfect.
If you could bring one of your characters to life who would it be? Why?
None of them! If you think about it, the relationship between a character and a creator is very creepy and brings up all kinds of questions about free will. Or it would, if they were real.
What do you think makes a good story?
That definitely varies! For me personally, I like warm, comfortable, loving, emotionally driven stuff. So, basically, fanfic.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I wanted to be a writer! So that worked out.
“Thank you for letting me interview you and Good Luck with everything Talia!”
If you happen to know an author that would be great for my Fighting Prose series be sure to send them my way!
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