Colleen is an author of contemporary new adult & women’s romance. She writes stories with strong characters who are doing their best & finding love along the way.

best writing advice I’ve ever gotten...

best writing advice I’ve ever gotten...

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I posed the question to my writing community on Instagram & here’s the advice that rang true for all of them:

“Focus on your own work, don't compare yourself to others. I'm new to writing (and reading) so my progress is relatively slow, but I'm OK with where I'm at now. I know my process and I know I'll improve with time.” -Author Kenneth Feller

“It’s ok to make crappy art - don’t overthink it.” -Leenadria

“Just write it.” (I have a lot of self doubt about getting a first draft finished, but a couple of author friends who have been in the game much longer have always urged me to just get the thoughts out on paper. There’s always room to edit after.) - Author K.T. Egan

“Read a lot.” -Artist K.A.L.L.E.A.

“That it’s okay to start more than one book at a time!” -Author Sherry Grant

Personally, for me, the best that I have ever been given is to stick with it. You aren’t going to be the best out of the gate but you’ll keep getting better the more you practice. Looking back at all of the things I’ve written I can say that is the honest truth. My art has gotten more complex & better as I’ve grown in my art & it will continue to get better. The best is yet to come.

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Erin is dating...

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Fighting Prose Interview with Megan Musgrove!