Tips for practicing self-care
Because of covid sometimes life feels like a never-ending rendition of the movie Groundhogs Day. Each day I wake up, drink coffee, work, write, run errands, make dinner, clean up dinner, watch a show with the family & then go to bed after reading a few chapters of a book. Day after day it’s the same routine. Which can lead to covid burnout.
Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about self-care & how to switch it up to feel like my batteries are being recharged. I also asked my friends on Instagram to help me out with this & here are the top tips that we came up with:
Daily walks outside
A soak in the tub or hot tub under the stars. I personally amp up my tub experience but putting on spa music, lighting candles, adding bubbles & turning out the lights.
Reading books
Eating healthy
Listening to music
Unplugging for all digital devices
Watching a feel good film
Say No!
Taking vitamins that will boost your mood overall (like B & D)
Practicing Art: Writing, Painting, Crafting, Sewing
What do you think about this list? Do you have more items to add? Let me know!

Are you ready to indulge in some steamy and sexy romance reads that will make your heart race and your cheeks flush?
I’ve read the entire series, here’s my breakdown of favorites to least!
This week I’m interviewingAsh Oldfield! Click to read more.
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