What's the best thing about being a writer?
What other writers had to say…

jessicalouauthor - Escaping reality!!
jenniefournierwrites - When it comes to writing historical fiction...it’s the closest thing I have to time travel!
writer_deanna - The creative aspect is my favorite part!
thelilianalopez - I love coming up with stories and I love reading other people’s stories!!
michellecorchisauthor - If I don't write, I don't know who I am. Not sure if that makes sense, but it's something that's like breathing. A writer is a world within a person
bryanjfagan - For me it's creating a person who is broken and watch them grow.
netts_shorts - Playing with words!
authortessaburnwood - Flexible work schedule for sure 😊
My favorite thing about being a writer is…
Coming up with a simple idea for a story, creating a few characters & then watching as they become their own. The piece comes alive under my fingers taking over my mind & that’s the best possible feeling in the world!
Thank to you those of you that participated!
Click to read a recent interview with me!
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Read about being a writer to me & some friends!